The 4 Pillars of MERGE Performance Institute
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Then schedule a time to visit us, learn more, and see our state-of-the-art facilities!
BLOG (#MERGEeducation). Because our passion is health + performance + fitness, you'll find articles ranging from nutrition to footwear, running mechanics, and more.
MERGE T&F Club 2019 Season
Area coaches, former athletes, current Loras TF athletes along with MERGE Performance Institute are excited to announce the 2019 edition of a FUN and comprehensive youth track club in Dubuque, Iowa dedicated to the education […]
“Veteran” Athletes…Age nothing more than a number!
Athletes come in all shapes, sizes and ages. While it is common to think of athletes being different shapes and sizes, from figure skaters to sumo wrestlers; perhaps it is not common place to consider […]
SCIENCE + BENEFITS (fitness + performance + sports medicine + education): #theMERGEway